Why CPA Firms Need a Top-Notch Website

A recent post in the CPA Practice Advisor points out that, in today’s world, where everything and anything can be found on the internet, even if your current clients are talking up your firm to their friends and colleagues, chances are that before those prospects shoot you an email or pick up the phone, they’ll go online to research your firm. Is your website ready for that?

Like most businesses, accounting firms have a functioning website. But, says the post, “to provide optimal benefits to your firm, your website must do more than just provide basic information to your potential clients. It should also give them a reason to engage with your firm in some manner. If your current website has many or most of the following features, great. If not, it might be time for an upgrade.:

Fast load times: In this age of instant gratification, few people today have the patience to wait for anything. Right or wrong, if your site is slow to load, website visitors won’t stick around. Although it’s important to drive people to your website, it’s even more important to keep them there.

A clear call to action: Providing prospects with a clear call to action can help convert prospects into paying clients. These are some calls to action you may want to include on your website:

  • Are you paying too much in taxes? Find out today!
  • Book a free consultation today!
  • Ready to lower your taxes?
  • Need someone to handle your books? We can help!

Targeted messaging: Define your target audience and target your message to suit them. If your specialty is small businesses, target your message toward small business owners. Likewise, if your firm specializes in preparing tax returns, be sure that this information is plainly stated on your website. But if you specialize in business returns, be sure to include that information as well. 

Free downloads: To further engage those that have landed on your homepage, offer them something free in exchange for their email address. This helps you increase your prospect list and can build a sense of loyalty in those that receive those free items. Whether it’s a calendar, tax forms, or a short e-book, make sure that your website offers both current and potential clients something for free.

Client reviews and testimonials: If your clients love your firm and the work you do, make sure that potential clients know about it. Have a testimonial page where satisfied clients can review and rate their experiences with your firm. A good review can be the deciding factor in whether to engage with a business. And, if you do offer testimonials, be sure to address any negative comments on the forum as well. A negative opinion on its own will likely not sway a prospect from contacting you, but failing to address the comment will. 

For the fine details, see Why CPA Firms Need a Top-Notch Website | CPA Practice Advisor.